Redefining Behavioural Coding

Executing behavioural experiments is a complex and rewarding task with one striking downside to it. The fun part of developing the experiment and capturing the subjects is always followed by extracting data from the gathered video data.
To speed up and simplify this process, ORA was developed. A clean and minimalistic UI, combined with intuitive and ergonomic input options support video analysts in their task to code relevant data. The whole program is complemented with a possibility to dictate observations and a very lightweight and performant software architecture.

About me

My name is Christoph, I’m from Germany and born in the 90s. I’ve studied computer science at the university of Osnabrück and got my masters degree in 2017. Since then I’ve worked as the leading software architect in a software project that developed a VR CAD program: Take a conventional CAD program, add virtual reality to it and change the user experience to accomodate for the new input systems. This project was disrupted by the corona pandemic. As workflow and developement budgets dwindled, I’ve gotten more time watching my girlfriend doing behavioural studies and was reminded of old CAD programs right away. Most of the software that behavioural biologists use seems to be old, instable and clumsy. With my learnings in establishing new user experiences, I want to create something better. Something more stable, more intuitive, something that is efficient and fast. Something that shortens the task of coding videos. ORA.